Sunday, January 06, 2008

St. Petersburg Ballet

In three weeks, my mother and I are going with Annaluna to see the St. Petersburg Ballet perform Tchaikovsky's classic ballet, Swan Lake. I can't wait. This story is one of the world’s most popular ballets, a timeless tale for all ages to enjoy. The threat of evil looms. Young love is overwhelmed as deception and jealousy dominate in the darkness. Tragedy seems certain, but gallantry and selflessness triumph as the dawn breaks. Such is the story of Prince Siegfried, Odette, the Swan Maidens, and the Sorcerer of Swan Lake. The St. Petersburg Ballet Theatre brings modern flair to its productions while maintaining the standards that define Russian ballet. Wausau Dance Theatre is one of the sponsors, and Annaluna was kind enough to ask us to go as her guests - we had planned to attend anyway despite the high ticket price. I've never seen Swan Lake performed in person, so I am really looking forward to a great evening at the theatre!

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