Friday, August 31, 2007


STUDENTS TRICKED INTO SPELLING OUT "WE SUCK" IN STANDS _ An Ohio high school student who tricked football fans from a crosstown rival into holding up signs that together spelled out, "We Suck," has been suspended for the prank. Kyle Garchar, a senior at Hilliard Davidson High School in suburban Columbus, said he spent about 20 hours over three days plotting the trick, which was captured on video and posted on YouTube. He was inspired by a similar prank pulled by Yale students in 2004, when Harvard fans were duped into holding up cards with the same message. At the end of the video, Garchar wryly thanks the 800 Hilliard Darby High School supporters who raised the cards at the start of the third quarter during last Friday's football game. Garchar created a grid to plan how the message would be spelled out once fans in three sections held up either a black or white piece of construction paper. Directions left on stadium seats instructed fans to check that the number listed on their papers matched their seat numbers. Darby supporters were told the message would read "Go Darby." Davidson principal John Bandow gave Garchar and two students who helped him three days of in- school suspension and banned them from extracurricular activities for a semester.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Photo of the Day

Simon says......"don't bother me - I'm working on my MySpace page!"

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Workout Woes

The daily workouts continue, and I am still loving it. I admit, however, to being a little impatient - one of my worst qualities. In the beginning, I said I wanted to work out to just FEEL BETTER. While that is certainly true, I can't help but want to see results on the scale. I'll never be a small woman and don't aim to be - but I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to lose weight. The first few weeks brought a seven pound weight loss - and then.....nothing. As of today I'm 9 pounds down - a great start - but it's going ridiculously slow. I'm keeping track of every calorie I put in my mouth on FitDay, but seem to be losing less than I should be. And I don't want to hear any "muscle weighs more than fat" bullshit, either - it's simple math.....if you consume less calories than you take in, you lose weight. And I'm definitely doing that.
I'm sure my weekend wine-a-thon didn't exactly help the cause.
On the bright side, I am absolutely certain I chose the right gym - I love the place. It's so laid back - I'm totally comfortable there. And the morning workout has started to become a part of my daily routine - enough that I'd feel odd not going.
I'm giving more consideration to the idea of becoming vegetarian. It's just a matter of finding enough interesting recipes to try. After reading about the beef industry....let's just say it's going to be a long time before I eat another burger.
And don't get me started on chickens. Ick.
At any rate, I'll keep plugging away - and hope that one of these days I'll be surprised with a nice drop when I get on the scale. In the meantime, I can't believe how much more energy I have throughout the day when I've worked out. Who'dve thought?

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Only in Wisconsin?

Two Men Driving Same Car Cited for OWI
Posted: 10:25 AM Aug 28, 2007 on

Reporter: Associated Press

ABBOTSFORD, Wis. (AP) -- Two men, driving the same pickup truck, have been cited for driving drunk in central Wisconsin.

Police stopped their truck in Abbotsford recently and found 43-year-old Harvey Miller was steering the truck.

Miller has no legs.

Officers say 55-year-old Edwin Marzinske was operating the gas pedals and brake.

The police report says Miller admitted he was too drunk to drive, but argued he wasn't actually operating the truck because he couldn't push the gas pedal.

Officers disgreed and cited him for drunken driving, third offense.

Marzinske was cited for his second drunken driving offense.

Both men were also cited for operating a vehicle after revocation.

Monday, August 27, 2007


Okay, so I've been working out nearly daily for weeks, right - in my new New Balance running shoes that gave me blisters and made my feet numb. So finally I have a new pair of shoes and they have made a huge difference in my workout. Of course, they were about 90 dollars more than the NB shoes, but they are, without a doubt, the most comfortable workout shoe I have ever owned. No more blisters, no more numbness. Just smooth sailing.
After trying on over a dozen pair, I finally chose the Puma Magnetist. Today I worked out longer, without foot pain, than any other day in the past. It felt great. I guess there really is truth to the old adage - you get what you pay for.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Oooh, does my head hurt.....

GREAT party last night. We had a terrific time. The Greiners were here, the Bucknellls and the Glasels were all here. Angela and John Chmiel stopped by on their way to church around 4 and stayed until 10:30 so I think they must have had fun, too. All the kids got along well and played well together - totaly stress free. I haven't laughed that hard in months. Great food and friendship all around. Unfortunately the wine took it's toll and I am hung WAY over today because I was having so much fun I didn't eat dinner. Idiot!
Julie had the most fun of all (and is hurting worst this morning)....after falling in the dog's dish (how??!?) and getting her pants wet she somehow thought it was a good idea just to take 'em off and spent the rest of the night pants-free by the fire. (yes, she was wearing underwear!) I think jumping on the trampoline with the kids might have been a little much for her, though, and she ended up decorating my front walk with a nice red-wine regurgitation stain. Poor girl. The only real mishap of the night was Devon getting hurt on the trampoline with an inch long (and very deep) gash in his head. I should have taken him for a stitch or two but when it stopped bleeding we all decided it would be all right. I know when Isabelle had to have a few stitches Angela had wished she hadn't done it - it almost seems like one of those "treatment worse than the ailment" things. I am questioning the wisdom of that decision this morning, though, but now it's too late for a stitch and I'll just have to keep doctoring it up.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Final Resting Place

Yesterday, we finally put my father to rest. When he passed away in January, the ground obviously was frozen and burial was not possible. Krista made a quick trip home so we had a brief graveside ceremony yesterday to say our final goodbyes before his urn was lowered into the ground. My father's rosary that had been wrapped around my rear view mirror went into the grave with him as did photos of the kids, a letter from Alice, and some other small items of remembrance. The gravesite is located near the road in St. Michael's cemetery, across from Channel 9's newsroom. Dana remarked that my father would love that spot - because from there he could see everything happening around him. It was entirely the right thing to say. It was just family in attendance along with Dana, and just the sight of her walking across the cemetery toward us with a boquet in hand made me realize how thankful I am to have a friend like her through thick and thin. They say if you have one friend that stays with you throughout your lifetime you are lucky, and indeed I am.
I am hopeful that the finality of it all will help us all get through these days. Knowing that he is at rest, knowing that there is a place we can go to talk to him - it all helps. It's been a long eight months.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Sex, Drugs, and Rock 'n' Roll

The history of rock and roll is littered with the bodies of those plagued by drug addiction. Elvis, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin,Blind Melon's Shannon Hoon. So much so, in fact, that few of us even blinked when the amazingly talented British singer Amy Winehouse landed in a London hospital after overdosing last week. So unfortunate. Instead of adding to their creativity, drug use is robbing us of their music. If these incredible musicians have been able to put out the quality of work we've seen while using drugs, just imagine what could be with a clear head. When will the industry learn not to coddle the drug users? Sex and rock 'n' roll? Sure - bring it on. But drugs? Forget about it.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Oracle of Starbucks

I loved this! From
Astrology is lame and Myers-Briggs is for losers. The omniscient Oracle of Starbucks can tell you everything about your personality by what you drink at Starbucks. Simply enter your full drink order -- including size -- and the all-knowing Oracle will tell you everything about your personality.
Enter your drink order here:

Living with Asperger's

Dealing with greif is a difficult thing, and for a child it's even harder. Add Asperger's Syndrome and the challenges are immense. This week I began taking Rowan to see a child and adolescent psychologist at North Central Health Care - one recommended by the Hospice Bereavement Coordinator. I have been increasingly concerned about Rowan's anxiety and depression and am convinced it's getting worse rather than better as the months pass. It is clear that Rowan's Asperger's is becoming more of an issue as he gets older, and we're hoping to get a handle on it.
Asperger's is in the Autism spectrum, but a child with it is not mentally retarded - in fact, most children test in the high to genius IQ range (Rowan's is quite high). They are clumsy, socially awkward, prone to obsession and depression, and often have difficulty with speech and communication. Someone meeting Rowan for the first time might mistakenly think he is mentally retarded because he is so different and has speech issues. He doesn't act like other children. At all. Everything to Rowan is black and white, right or wrong. He doesn't break the rules. He is a parent's dream. Never gets in trouble. But because of that logical thinking, he seeks solid answers to questions that there are no definitive answers for. Where did Grandpa go? What is death? Why do near death experiences differ from person to person? Do ghosts exist, and if so, what exactly are they? He is obsessed with these things right now - and I'm hoping with the help of this psychologist we can guide him through the grieving process and better understand his condition, as well. Only one thing is for sure - it's going to take time - and plenty of it.

Rain, Rain, Go Away....

The summer has been such a good one that the cold rainy spell we're in has come as a shock. The rain has been steadily falling since early Saturday with temperatures hovering in the 50's. I actually had the fireplace on to take the chill out of the air for a bit. It's crazy. 90 one day, 55 the next.
The dark weather is adding to my melancholy. Krista has finally decided to come home so we can bury my father's ashes. We'll be putting him to rest on Friday. I'm absolutely dreading it. I wish Wendy could be here, wish our cousins could be here....but it's all so impromptu and needs to be done. Alice needs the closure, and so do the kids. In a way it will be a comfort to have a place to go to visit him, to place flowers, and to sit and talk to him. Alice is ordering a bench - and I think that will be just the right thing. Dad was always concerned with making sure he'd be in a place where people would come and visit. It's the reason he gave up his plot in Milwaukee by his parents and he could be close to us. Rowan is convinced my dad is still here....perhaps after Friday he'll finally be able to rest in peace.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


What a week it's been! Yesterday, I "OFFICIALLY" joined the health club after my trial membership came to a close. I have gone to the club every day this week so far except for Sunday, although Sunday I spent biking outside to get my daily exercise requirement. I have found that I enjoy using the machines much more than I thought I would, and love the burn and the eurphoric feeling after I'm finished. I continue to monitor my nutrition on FitDay and have been able to better meet my nutritional needs by making small changes every day. The book, "Skinny B$tch", will arrive either tomorrow or Monday, and I'm looking forward to seeing whether that changes my outlook on the vegan issue.
Mom and I are having a rummage sale this weekend - something LONG overdue. In the beginning, I thought - well.....I might have a "few" things to sell......and ended up with a whole frigging garage full of crap. Skis. Snowboards. Furniture. You name it, I've got it. If it all sells, I'll make a haul. It's been a lot of work - dragging it all up from the basement and over to my mom's house (her garage is bigger - and cleaner!) but it'll be worth it. The cleaning frenzy continued and I've completely reworked my office as well. The company sent me a huge new monitor, so it was time to take down the old and set up the new, untangle cords, vacuum up the dust bunnies (oh my God, they were the size of my head!) and have a fresh feeling for my workspace. No more glare from the window behind me - and a better view while I'm plugging away!

Monday, August 13, 2007


I awoke this morning in a horrible mood. Everything hurt including my head, and the thought of getting my butt in gear to go to the gym was enough to make me want to scream.
Then, I stepped on the scale and found no change whatsoever since I last checked and thought to myself - WHY am I doing this? This sucks!
After a coffee and a scrambled egg I felt sufficiently awake to head to the gym anyway for my workout. The place was deserted and I enjoyed the solitude. And then I found that I even enjoyed the way my muscles felt after reps on the machine. So much, in fact, that it completely changed my outlook.
So, evidently, the endorphins don't suck.
And now I feel I have the energy to start my afternoon. Not bad.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Brick Is Here!

Several months ago, I ordered a memorial brick for my dad to be installed just outside the Elks Club on the busy corner of 5th and Scott Streets. On Friday night, we were delighted to see that it had been installed. I know my dad would love to know that his name is there for all to see!

Devon Soccer Photos

Devon's soccer season is coming to an end - only two more games remain. I love going to see him play. The team he's on has such nice kids, and the coach is fair and firm. A great season! Devon is really excelling at defensive play and has excellent instincts. He doesn't have the speed to be a striker, but midfield he is absolutely fantastic. I'm so proud of him!

US Life Span Shorter

Americans are living longer than ever, but not as long as people in 41 other countries.
For decades, the United States has been slipping in international rankings of life expectancy, as other countries improve health care, nutrition and lifestyles.
Countries that surpass the U.S. include Japan and most of Europe, as well as Jordan, Guam and the Cayman Islands.
We're the richest country in the world, but we can't provide health care for our citizens. Obviously, that's one of the significant issues facing our government today.
But part of the problem has to be what we're eating. It's crap.
For the past week, I've been keeping track of my food intake - partly to see where my calories are coming from, but partly to see if I'm meeting daily nutritional requirements. And though I pride myself in being a "good" eater - I have fallen woefully short of the nutrition my body needs. It's time for a change - a big one.
One major concern I have is all of the hormones and antibiotics in the food we eat today. And the FDA - don't even get me started on how ineffective they are in policing our food industry. It's enough to make a girl go organic.
I just ordered a book by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin called "Skinny Bitch" that discusses these very issues and why what we eat isn't quite as healthy as we think it is. I'll post a review after it arrives and has been read.
For now, I'm taking a serious look at my eating habits. You can, too - for free - at - if you're interested.

Friday, August 10, 2007


Dana has still not made it to the gym. Bad girl!

The Workouts Continue

Although my new shoes gave me blisters, I strapped my heels with duct tape as a protective layer (thanks, Beth!) and made my way back to the gym. The bottom line - the shoes still suck. My right foot was screaming in pain after just ten minutes on the treadmill. However, they're just fine on the recumbent bike, which curiously burns more calories (and I can read while doing it) - so until I find the perfect shoe I will only use the treadmill to warm up. I love the machines at the fitness center. Precor cardio machines. Nice. I want to try the elliptical machines but will only do so when there is no one in the building because I know I will look like a total retard when I do it for the first time.
Today I worked upper and lower body on the other machines and kept my heart rate going at a good fatburning rate the entire workout. I felt proud and exhilarated afterward and had energy to get through the day. Stopped at Back to Eden on the way home for their organic by-the-pound salad bar, too. I worked out longer and harder today than the past several and I will undoubtedly be sore in the morning, but I don't care.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Quote of the Day

Grief is not linear. It's not a slow progression forward toward healing; it's a zigzag. It's a terrible back and forth from devastated to okay, until there are more okay patches and fewer devastated ones.
- Lisa Unger

Quote of the Day

It is not the strongest among us who survive. Nor is it the most intelligent. It is those among us who are the most adaptable to change.
- unknown


There are things I am addicted to.
Coffee, for one.
Red wine. Reading. Music. Dark, rich chocolate.
So if I can become addicted to these stands to reason I could become addicted to working out. One would think, wouldn't one? Hmph. We'll see.
Yesterday I began my workout routine at Anytime Fitness, taking advantage of the free few weeks I have been given, determined to make it worthwhile to join. I did 20 minutes on the treadmill, then worked out on the machines, then 10 on the bike both days. To exercise fanatics I'm sure that seems pretty pathetic, but it was a lot for me, and it felt good.
My only complaint is that my new shoes are giving me big blisters on my heels. Crap! So, back to the drawing board on the shoe thing. I have some slip on sketchers that I think I'll wear tomorrow while I figure out what to do about the shoe situation.
Both days were great workout days. I picked a good time to go - no one was around (except for one fiftyish professional type yesterday) - and I loved the peace and quiet. Just me and my ipod, doing my thing.
So far, so good. I'll be posting daily updates.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Things I Love About Summer

I always say, if you can't find something to do in Wausau, you just aren't looking.
Summertime in Wausau, despite it's small size, is a blast. There is always something to do that is either low cost or free. Tonight I went with my brother to one of the Concerts in the Garden series shows in the sculpture garden of the Leigh Yawkee Woodson Art Museum. It was a terrific variety show in a beautiful setting. The sculptures are beautiful, the trees are lovely, and the breeze there at the top of the hill provides a wonderful respite from the heat.
Seven months after my father's passing, it still amazes me how many people approach me and ask where my father is - they're all so used to seeing us together. It always hurts to have to say that he's gone.....but in the same way I find it a comfort that his presence is missed.

Monday, August 06, 2007


This morning, I opened my email and read this:

I think we need to join a gym.
Up for it?
- Rotund Ruthie

It was from Dana.....and it was enough to get me really thinking about it. And after my last, rather disastrous Lupus checkup I have been researching the best ways to control my disease.....and the number one suggestion I'm reading is "stay active".
Working 60 to 70 hours a week along with my other commitments doesn't leave a whole bunch of time for fitness. True, I swim every day, but in a month it'll be time to close the pool down for the season and then - what?
This morning I went on a fact finding mission and checked out several new gyms that have opened up in the area in the past year or so. I immediately discounted the YMCA - too many people, too many kids, not enough privacy.....and the one I'm leaning toward is Anytime Fitness, about a mile or so from my home with a second location opening near Dana's house next month. (One membership gets you in anywhere Anytime Fitness has a location in the entire US.) I was so impressed with the overall cleanliness of the place, the friendliness of the staff, and the fact that they're open 24 hours a day, though not always manned. Security doesn't seem to be an issue with video cameras and panic buttons everywhere if no one is around. And the thought of working out when no one is around to bug me is very appealing.
I signed up for a 2 week free membership and plan to start on Wednesday.


Last week the Federal Communications Commission issued the call letters KUNT to a new Hawaiian TV station. Nice!
The station's owner has already filed a request for a call letter change. :)