Monday, January 07, 2008

The Color of Bad News

Have you ever noticed how the world seems to change the instant you hear bad news? Earth shattering, life altering seems to create a subtle change in the hue of the room. Everything turns just a little grayer.....sounds are different.....taste is altered. You have the almost irrepressible urge to grab the laughing teenager in the convenience store line ahead of you, demanding she act appropriately. Or to tell everyone who asks the benign question - "how are you?" the truth about your day. "Have you heard," you desperately want to say. "Do you know what happened?"
Such is the state of affairs today upon learning that my aunt - my only remaining aunt - had bad news on her needle biopsy. That lump she thought was a cyst is breast cancer.
Tomorrow she'll learn her options. Until then, I will hope they caught it early, that it can be removed and treated with radiation rather than chemo.....because I know if faced with chemo she'll choose to let it go and let nature take it's course. I'll post updates when I know.

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