Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Random Wednesday Musings

The cold weather is unbearable. We went from a 40 degree high two days ago to -37 - nearly an 80 degree difference. It was so cold they called off classes at school. Since Wednesday is my day off from my "main"job with Mediabase, it meant that I was able to sleep in until 8 - a true luxury! I had an eye appointment this afternoon - my annual checkup - and while the kids were at their music lessons at the Conservatory I picked out two new pair of glasses - one clear glass pair and one fabulous pair of Coach sunglasses. I'm a little tired of the chunky black frames that I've been sporting for the past couple of years, and went with something completely retro - pale green, small round frames for the clear glass pair. Nice & lightweight. I've been resisting getting a new pair of sunglasses because I love my prescription Ray Bans - but it's time for an update on those as well. Looking forward to the new look. Yesterday I had my hair highlighted and trimmed, too. It's time to get out of my shell and start worrying about how I look know, get out of the cave for a change......the depression over the last few months has been terrible, and I haven't cared a whole lot. I kind of had given myself until February 1 to get my act together, so to speak.....and I intend to follow through on my plan starting Friday.
Meanwhile on the home's time to look into buying a drumset for Rowan. His teacher recommends a studio kit - that's a set with a slightly smaller bass drum and toms - and finding a used kit has been a bust. But after speaking with my friend Tracey's husband - Dion - who owns October Guitars (where I also bought Rowan's last guitar) - I think I've decided on a new kit from Sonor Drums. We're going to go try them out Friday after school, and see where it goes. I know Dion will stand behind the product, and he was great with advice on what to get. Visit his website here.
As I write, the current temp in Wausau is -21. I, for one, can't wait for spring.

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