Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Workout Woes

The daily workouts continue, and I am still loving it. I admit, however, to being a little impatient - one of my worst qualities. In the beginning, I said I wanted to work out to just FEEL BETTER. While that is certainly true, I can't help but want to see results on the scale. I'll never be a small woman and don't aim to be - but I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to lose weight. The first few weeks brought a seven pound weight loss - and then.....nothing. As of today I'm 9 pounds down - a great start - but it's going ridiculously slow. I'm keeping track of every calorie I put in my mouth on FitDay, but seem to be losing less than I should be. And I don't want to hear any "muscle weighs more than fat" bullshit, either - it's simple math.....if you consume less calories than you take in, you lose weight. And I'm definitely doing that.
I'm sure my weekend wine-a-thon didn't exactly help the cause.
On the bright side, I am absolutely certain I chose the right gym - I love the place. It's so laid back - I'm totally comfortable there. And the morning workout has started to become a part of my daily routine - enough that I'd feel odd not going.
I'm giving more consideration to the idea of becoming vegetarian. It's just a matter of finding enough interesting recipes to try. After reading about the beef industry....let's just say it's going to be a long time before I eat another burger.
And don't get me started on chickens. Ick.
At any rate, I'll keep plugging away - and hope that one of these days I'll be surprised with a nice drop when I get on the scale. In the meantime, I can't believe how much more energy I have throughout the day when I've worked out. Who'dve thought?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As soon as you think you are not losing weight change up your routine. This should respark the body and get the weight coming off again. Do something different. Also, setup your routine a little. You body has probably adjusted to the workout.

Hope this helps. :)