Thursday, August 31, 2006

September Begins

Change is in the air with the start of a new month and the beginning of the new school year next week. For some, resolutions begin in January, but for me, it's usually September. When the kids return to a routine, so do I - and I find myself newly energized and ready to conquer the world. I've etched out a draft of a daily schedule I plan to follow in an effort to better use my time, and accomplish my goals. Symphony practice will start soon, and before you know it, the holiday season will be here. This year I'm selling my handmade jewelry at my best friend Dana's salon, so I've been working frantically to get a variety of pieces worthy of resale in plenty of time for holiday shopping. Trust me - blink, and your tree will be up. Just click on the "Christmas Countown" link to the right and see for yourself just how close it is!
In addition, I just received word that an article I'd been shopping around has been purchased for publication in a consumer magazine out of Long Island, NY, and though it will be months before the article appears with my byline, the contract has renewed my resolve to finish my novel and shop it around.

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