Saturday, August 05, 2006

Wausau East 20 Year Reunion

Photos are of me with old friends Beth Rypstadt and Mike Immel. Tonight was night two of my 20 year class reunion with my former Wausau East classmates. What a terrific weekend of fun and memories. I especially was happy to reconnect with Beth, who came to the dinner tonight bearing plenty of old photos, an old letter I'd written her at camp, and many, many memories. It's a shame our paths diverged for so long, as the two of us helped each other through some devastating times in our lives. I'm so happy that she has found such happiness with her husband and son, and I am looking forward to many future conversations with my old friend. What fun!
While I so enjoyed reconnecting with old friends, it was a night of sadness as well. I think of friends that are no longer with us, and wonder about the choices I've made in my life. While I am not usually one for regrets, I have found myself immersed in melancholy since the reunion planning began, thinking of what once was, and what could have been - and yet, I know I wouldn't really change a thing. Cheers, class of '86! Posted by Picasa

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