Monday, August 14, 2006

Mission Accomplished

After blowing the first piece of the audition, I'm pleased to report that the rest of the nightmare went much better, and I nailed the sightreading.......and I'm IN! I can't explain how great it feels to have reached that goal of once again being a performer in the Wausau Symphony. I can't wait until the first rehearsal!
The kids are at Chinese Language Immersion camp all week at the School Forest, at least during the day. The house is always so empty when they're gone, and yet it's always nice to have a bit of a breather as well.
Busy days ahead, so tomorrow I intend to do nothing but sit in the pool and read my book all day. Thursday it's D-day......getting all four wisdom teeth pulled. My good friend Angela tells me that I'm a big baby for having waited so long (and of course, she's right!)
I have decided to take a yoga class - my first one is next week Thursday. I figure if that chubby guy on Rescue Me can do it, so can I.

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