Monday, August 21, 2006

The Perils of Parenthood

After taking my 10 year old son Rowan to the Orthodontist for his first visit today, I have come away with a fresh appreciation for the sacrifices my own parents made for us as children. Since Rowan has 10 baby teeth remaining in his mouth, he can't yet get the braces he needs, but for a mere $2,500.00 they will be fitting him with headgear and a retainer to help his jaw grow correctly - until the time we will be forking over another 3 grand for braces. Thankfully, I have orthodontic benefits with my dental insurance (Thanks, ClearChannel!) that will pick up half the tab, but even so, it's painfully obvious how hard my own parents had to work to give all four of us the perfect teeth we have today. I will be forever grateful.

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