Thursday, August 17, 2006

Wisdom Teeth, Part Two

The wisdom teeth extraction went fine. Pain is under control so far and I don't have any bruising, at least yet. One tooth was horizontal, and resting on the nerve that controls sensation to the lip and chin. This was cause for some concern, as one wrong move would have resulted in permanent numbness. I told Dr. Kline, "I just got into the Wausau Symphony, so please don't screw it up!" I really wasn't too concerned, he has a great reputation and it all went smoothly.
Last night, unable to sleep, I stayed up late chatting online with an old friend, swapping terrible high school memories. It was interesting to compare notes and see that we both felt rather picked on for different reasons. My problems virtually disappeared when I changed schools to Rhinelander late in our junior year, though there are, of course, jerks wherever you go. I was so surprised to learn of how these experiences affected my friend, beause I never would have guessed that someone so seemingly self assured and well liked would have been hurt by the careless words of others. With my own children growing older, I hope that I have the means to teach them the kindness that I expect them to show to other kids, even when it's difficult. What creates the bully? Where do they learn such cruelty? And why is it tolerated in the schools? So many parents I talk to say that it can't be avoided. I was highly criticized for removing my children from public school last year after a long, painful year for Devon, who had been on the receiving end from endless taunting and physical abuse at John Marshall. I hear "boys will be boys".....and "you can't solve all their problems". But if I am not an advocate for my children, who will be? And if I find out their friends are bullies, those friendships will be quietly discouraged. My neighbor Mari says you can't pick your child's friends. I say, watch me.

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