Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Workouts Resumed, Ann's Surgery, Super Tuesday

Workouts resumed February 1st, as promised, and I feel sore all over. Today I will miss since I spent the morning up at the hospital where my aunt is recovering from her double mastectomy. Thankfully, they are confident they got it all and she won't have to go through chemo or radiation, but we are awaiting final word from the biopsy done on lymph material removed, which will be back in a few days. Typical drive-thru medicine - surgery was yesterday and she's going to go home today already. Cripes, don't get me started.
As far as the workout routine goes, I have so much more energy when I get to the gym. The "resolutionists" are still there in full force but I expect the place to slowly empty out over the next month or two, which is just fine with me. The thing that keeps me going on the cardio is music, and every day I'm putting together a new mix of songs that get my blood moving. I want to stay on the treadmill or the elliptical just to hear one more song. It's a strategy that's working and I've logged a lot more time on the machines than I typically would have.
Amazing what a little physical activity can do for you.
On another note, I'm glued to CNN today to watch the news on Super Tuesday. This is such a tight race - it's really interesting. My boy John Edwards dropped out, so I am now solidly backing Barack Obama in the primary. The more I look into his record, the more impressed I have become. It isn't that I don't agree with Hillary Clinton's views - but those pants suits have got to go, for Pete's sake. I see she got a little Botox, which has helped her not to look quite so much like the Crypt Keeper. And why can't she get her husband to shut his mouth? I thought she wore the pants in the family.
Well, the pantsuits, anyway.

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