Monday, September 18, 2006

Melancholy Monday

&#^$%@ Steelers. Ruined a perfectly good football pick week! Great matchup for Monday night football, though.
Speaking of football, the kids game ended in a tie - the game was called early thanks to a nasty storm. So much for Channel 7's half million dollar Titan weather prediction of sunny skies with a high of 78. Bah! Someday I would really just love to see Chad just stand up and admit "we have no clue about tomorrow's weather - just dress in layers and bring an umbrella". They'd get points for honesty, wouldn't they?
I bought the kids a cell phone today. Yes, I know they're too young for it. But they have to have some way to contact me if I drop them off at football and someone gets hurt. Or skiing, or sledding, or whatever. They think they're pretty cool now. No text messaging allowed, however.
I've been thinking a lot about the ties that bind, and what keeps people together, or apart. How relationships change through the years, yet somehow remain relevant. It's strange to love someone for years, isn't it? Through growth and change and life altering events, some feelings never die, regardless of whether they are appropriate or acceptable. There are so many forks in the road as we live our many opportunities to make the right choice, or the wrong one. Opportunities to make it all right.....or keep on pretending. I wish we could choose who we love.....but try as I might, it never quite seems to work out that way.

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