Thursday, December 06, 2007


Today in school Rowan had a bit of a mishap. He was sitting on a chair backward, rocking...and he fell.....and the chair back smacked him HARD in the face. His front tooth is crooked (hence the enormous orthodontia bills) and the corner of it cut through his entire lip to the other side - all the way through. OH MY GOD. It is so gross. That poor kid! I picked him up right away and took him to the walk in - where I was treated to a TWO HOUR WAIT only to be told that he was lucky enough to have a very straight cut - so no stitches were necessary. If it had been jagged, or if there had been a flap of skin, he would have definitely needed one or two - but this should heal up just fine on it's own. He was so relieved, and so was I. Meanwhile it's swollen up like a big balloon. I took a photo but you can't really tell the magnitude of the swelling in this picture! Eating is hard, of course, and he can't play his baritone for at least a week. Ack! I'm just glad he didn't have to have a stitch! Of course if I hadn't taken him, I'd have wondered for weeks whether I'd done the right thing, so despite the wait and the benign result, I'm glad we went.

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