Saturday, September 29, 2007

Freecycle Rocks!

This weekend is cleanup time here at the Flynn house - the kids decided that they wanted to completely renovate their play room in our basement. They did it all themselves - spending over 5 hours going through everything. If you'd seen the room before, you would be amazed at how it's changed in one day.
During the course of cleaning, we all found things we were no longer using and gave them all away on the freecycle network. We had a wide variety of stuff: a microwave, a playstation one, a non-working Lexmark printer/scanner/copier, and more - all claimed in record time. I posted a "wanted" message hoping to get a card table and chairs and lo and behold I got a response almost immediately. I picked it up on the northwest side of town at 6pm tonight and by 9 we will be playing Uno on it downstairs in the game room.
I've mentioned Freecycle before and can't say enough about it. Before you buy new, post a wanted message - and before you throw it in the landfill, post it for free. The only catch is, no money can change hands, which is great. Find your local network at!

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