Monday, October 22, 2007

Tennis, Anyone?

In school, wasn't there always one kid who just did everything well? Sports? No problem. Music? Natural talent. You know the one I'm talking about, don't you?
My son Devon is that kid.
I know, you're rolling your eyes, thinking I'm biased. Well.....maybe I am. But I swear it's true. Everything that kid tries, he does well at. He's likeable because he has a knack for reading people and knowing exactly what to say at exactly the right time. He loves being onstage, having been in prodctions with Wausau Dance Theater since he was 5. He's not the best soccer player on his team, but he's really very good. And he has no fear of trying new things.
I don't let my kids do anything they want to do, but if they come to me with an interest, and we can fit it into the schedule comfortably and if I think we can afford to do it, I will always let them try it. I said no to hockey (thank goodness) and no to Little League (though I may have to re-think that next year) but when Devon asked if he could try tennis, I thought - why not?
Wausau Racquet Club has a drop in program for kids his age on Saturday mornings. No weekly commitment, you come when you can. Reasonably priced - ten bucks! And his friend Jack goes, so I figured he'd be okay. He was dying to try it, but this week we knew Jack would not be in attendance. He surprised me by wanting to go anyway, all on his own.
So, Saturday morning rolled around and I took him over there, where he didn't know a his beat up nike running shoes, carrying his beat up ten dollar Target raquet, smack dab in the middle of a group of kids with graphite smashers and tennis whites.
You'd think he'd be intimidated? Forget it - he wasn't. He just bounced in there and got right into the thick of it.
An hour later, I returned to pick him up and not only had he held his own, he'd been named player of the day, and made a bunch of new friends. The kids all congratulated him afterward and told him he'd done well, which he humbly thanked them for. Now he can't wait for next week to roll around!
Now, if that had been me, I'd have turned tail the minute I walked in the door. Not this kid. He amazes me.
He did mention, however, that for Christmas maybe a new racquet would be in order. Ummmm - yeah, I think I can do that!

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