Monday, October 15, 2007

So Totally Not In The Mood....

Devon snapped this photo as he caught me at my desk - not working. :)
I'm not in the mood to work - unfortunate, since I have so much to do this week! Tomorrow I'm on a vacation day because it's my turn to host bunco - so I'll be having the chicks to my house. We're down from our usual 16 to 12 - which is good at my house, since it's small. I've been preparing the food, buying the drinks, and getting ready - thank goodness my cleaning girls are coming tomorrow. I'm always a wreck when it's my turn to host.
In addition, I've got two extra rehearsals this week in preparation for that symphony concert I'm performing in, stepping in on piccolo. I've been practicing and I'm sure I have the parts nailed - the concert should go well. We're doing some fantastic stuff.
Devon, too, is busy getting ready to perform in next week's Wausau Dance Theatre presentation of Thriller. I produce the soundtrack every year and will undoubtedly be flying around like a madwoman getting it finished in time. Devon is in three numbers, and is very excited about participating. He has been in other productions, but never in Thriller - so this is new for him. He's playing the part of Igor in elementary school. I can't wait to see the finished script when Patrik puts it all together!
The most relaxing part of the week is always my Monday breakfast with Annaluna - it always helps me get my head together for the week ahead. She is as crazy busy as I am and for both of us that 45 minutes is a respite from our nutty weeks.
So with all of this happening......I can't get my head in the game for work today......can't you tell? I'm blogging about nothing. Back to work!

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