Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Home at Last

If you're wondering why I haven't blogged in so long, I'll tell you. It's because my idiot divorce lawyer suggested I do not. He worried I might say something I shouldn't.
He's not my lawyer anymore.
Three years into it, I'm still not divorced. How does this happen? And yes, I'll admit it, I've been practically living with my boyfriend for the past 2 1/2 years. How he puts up with it, I'll never know.
Much has happened. In May, I lost my job with Clear Channel. The news was not unexpected - the entire department, for the most part, was eliminated after a merger with Media Monitors. After 13 years, it still stung.
In June, I lost my mind. I'm working at slowly getting it back.
I spent the summer searching frantically for a job until I realized I had been given an extraordinary opportunity - to start over. Completely. I have always known what I truly wanted to do with my life, but it always seemed so......unrealistic. After all, how many SUCCESSFUL writers do you really know?
It took an eye-opening lunch with a voiceover client looking for a scriptwriter, a referral from a friend, and a freelance position with Demand Media to convince me I was moving in the right direction. I began writing in earnest, and have thrown myself into my journalism classes at UMass with renewed vigor and determination.
And yes, I'm still working on that book. Five pages a day, minimum.
A post from a fellow classmate at UMass reminded me how much I missed writing the blog every day. I'm just glad it still exists! So....lawyers be we go.


Kristy McCue said...

Absolutely Fantastic! An extraordinary opportunity for an extraordinary person. Huzzah for you!! And it was a good idea to get a new lawyer, sheesh.

Anonymous said...

I looked at my blog last week and started longing for it again. Soon, my friend. Thanks for giving me a little nudge.

The House of Husar said...

Wait, your still not divorced? I thought that was settled a while ago.

It has been a while since I have stopped by for a visit. I'll stop by more frequently now.