Tuesday, July 31, 2007


After two weeks of controversy, the Wisconsin Valley Fair is here! Three weeks ago, it was announced that the fair board had decided not to give out promised season passes to Ag members, which stirred up a flurry of letters to the editor complaining about the mismanagement of the fair board and how incredibly expensive it has become to attend. Daily admission this year is $9 - more than ANY fair in the state of Wisconsin, including the Wisconsin STATE Fair! It's become ridiculous. I myself wrote a letter to the editor about ten days ago bemoaning the fact that the fair is out of reach for most area residents - and unless they start charging for the grandstand shows and lowering admission, the fair will soon be a thing of the past. Read the letter to the editor here: http://www.wausaudailyherald.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070711/WDH06/707110384
At any rate, opening day was a blast, and the kids had a great time at the Weird Al concert - something they'd been begging me to see for months. More photos as the week goes on!

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