Tuesday, April 10, 2007


At an estate sale recently, I found a vintage Armstrong 80 French style flute with a B foot - solid silver head, silver plated body - for an absolute song and picked it up. I'm excited to report that I've found someone both reasonably priced and well recommended to give it an overhaul. I'm currently playing on a Gemeinhardt that works just fine, but I miss the brilliant sound I have always found on an Armstrong. Many would argue that Kurt Gemeinhardt's flutes are superior - and at one time they were, but that was years ago. I don't think this flute will need too much - in fact, the pads look pretty good, (two keys are sticking) - cosmetically, this instrument is beautiful with no scratches or dings, and a gold mouthpiece (no more flute black on the lip!). I'm hopeful for a good result and expect it back in-house in two weeks tops. Would love to have it back in time for our next symphony concert but I don't think that's going to happen. You never know, though!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i used to have a flute ... and this one time, at band camp ...