Monday, June 30, 2008


It seems summertime is finally here with great temperatures and sunshine.  This past week has been notably good and we are all enjoying the pool.
The summer concert series has begun as well, a Wednesday night tradition that we all enjoy.  My symphony played in the one two weeks ago, then John & Dana Greiner's group played one week after that.  This week it's reggae, followed by John Altenburgh's group the next week.  Concerts in the Clouds have also begun and my symphony will be playing on Saturday, July 19th.  Looking forward to that.  
As of about a month ago, I officially became a full-fledged DePaul University student.  Did I mention that?  Looking to complete my degree with an emphasis in arts management.  Of course I had to accessorize.....and I am now the proud owner of a DePaul t-shirt, sweatshirt, hat and license plate frame.  (Dork.  I know.)  Classes are going well this summer and I am working at testing out of a few subject areas to accelerate the process.
Wednesday morning my friend Dana and I are going for massages at the spa - I can't wait.  Then vacation starts Sunday for a week.  Love my job - but I'm still counting the days and looking forward to a nice break with not a lot on my plate!

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