Friday, March 09, 2007

Peace Day

This week marked Peace Day, and my boys' school celebrated by performing some special songs in the middle of the Wausau Center Mall. They rode the city bus and had lunch at a downtown restaurant afterward - a very fun field trip. I had a hard time attending, because it's exactly the thing my father would not have missed.
I think this first year will be the hardest - filled with firsts of loneliness. Since my dad and I were practically joined at the hip, everything we normally did together - the downtown concerts, the festivals, the fair, the field trips....all feels so different now. My friend Duff Damos, who lost his own father a few years ago, told me this - "you'll always miss him.....but the WAY you miss him changes after awhile". I'm holding onto that.
Meanwhile, after about 2 feet of snow in the past two weeks, it appears spring may indeed be on the horizon with 50 degree temps and major snow melt today. I opened windows and drank in the fresh air. It was fantastic - the best I've felt in months.

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