Saturday, March 24, 2007

Musings from the Mall

After booking the trip to Mexico, I realized I have Nothing To Wear, so I set out to the mall to buy a few things that I'll need prior to departure. I'm a curvy girl, see, so I know I need to look in the Curvy Girl section of the stores. No problem, right? Um - right. That is, if I want my ass, which is already the size of Montana, to look even larger than it already is. Why any curvy girl would want to wear big flowers and horizontal stripes - well, the reasoning here escapes me. My search will continue for the perfect swimwear.
As the temperatures have risen, so has my mood. I'm feeling hopeful and looking forward to summer and the adventures ahead.
My good friend Duff Damos, who lost his own father a few years ago, told me that while I will always miss my father, the WAY I miss him will change. I find hope in that.

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