Friday, March 23, 2007

Local Idiot Story

I just love these....
Applebee's proposer arrested for probation violation

By Jeff Starck
Wausau Daily Herald March 23, 2007

A Wausau man who proposed March 15 to his girlfriend while dining at Applebee's Neighborhood Grill and Bar on Stewart Avenue was told "yes" by his new fiancee, but the authorities said "no" a day later.

Peter McGreck, 26, was arrested March 16 for violating the terms of his probation and spent three days in the Marathon County Jail. McGreck was on an electronic monitor at the time of his arrest.

McGreck might not have been arrested had he not contacted the Wausau Daily Herald before popping the question. A photo of the proposal was published on the newspaper's Web site.

McGreck, who served 4 1/2 years in prison for forgery, was supposed to be at work while he was proposing and was not allowed to be in a place that serves alcohol, said Mike Williams, the Department of Corrections' local field supervisor.

"When a person is on an electronic monitor and is supposed to be at work, it depreciates the value of the programs when he wasn't where he was supposed to be," Williams said.

A corrections agent was looking at local Web sites and saw the photo and notified McGreck's agent. They confirmed McGreck's whereabouts, issued a warrant and arrested him for the violation. Williams said agents often find people who violate their probation on the Internet, newspapers and other forms of media.

McGreck said he had verbal permission to be out that night from his probation agent, but it was not in writing. McGreck had the evening off from his job at Emma Krumbee's in Rib Mountain, a job he has since lost.


Anonymous said...

Where in the hell do you get off criticizing someone who was in Love and not thinking of anyone but the one he wanted to marry? Local Idiot you LABELED it. Damn,... he was in love with the woman and wanted to show the world. She didn't say 'NO', as you seem to have been informed. They are young and confused....and now that this 'story' happened, he is in PRISON, and she is waiting for him. Wausau is a messed up town, and if you have the wrong name, you're screwed. I'm his Mother. I regret the name I gave my sons. Their father is a pervert. My son's shouldn't have to pay for it as they have. I turned their father in for his perversion, which I didn't realize until the divorce. Have some sympathy for Peter for having to deal with such a warped father. He fought him, and sent him to jail in Texas. Peter stood up for what he believed in....not seeing his mother and family be controlled and beaten by a psychotic man...his father. Peter is a very caring, loving person. Many people know that. But the Government persecutes him because of who his family is. That's WRONG. Don't profit by the story, or make Peter look sappy because he would do anything for the woman he loves. Or because he cares about his family.

Anonymous said...

It has been a long road for Peter and I, I am the women he proposed to at Applebee's. I am very happy to have found this story even thou it has been a few years. I would like to inform you and everyone else that Peter and I are back together and hope to have a very happy and long life together. Peter is a very caring and loving person and I am a very lucky women to have his love. His mother's comment is very accurate and I feel the same that you shouldn't profit from our and his story.