Monday, April 04, 2011

April 4

It's been a long, cold winter. Snow still blankets the ground, though hopeful patches of dead grass are poking through, a promise of the warmth to come.
My depression lingers.
My classes are going well, but my creativity has dried up. I blame my medication, though I know it's much more complicated than that.
I am overwhelmed with responsibility. The smallest things can send me into a tailspin. I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders, always the fixer. All I really want to do is crawl into bed and stay there until the sun shines long enough to melt the snow, warm the river waters, and caress my skin.
I need a vacation. What kind of unemployed person needs a vacation? It makes me feel weak, and selfish.
I'm tired of figuring everything out. I long for a simpler life.


Anonymous said...

**hugs** from afar, dear friend.

Virtualsprite said...

Oh, sweetie. I've been there. And just because you're unemployed doesn't mean you don't have responsibilities and lots of them! It sucks and life sucks but it gets better. Give me a call and let's do coffee or something.

Unknown said...

Due to the recent "condition my condition is in" (props to Kenny)I've been doing a little introspection.Not that I don't realize it everyday,but just yesterday it hit me how important my friends are to me,I truly don't know what I would be without them;well you are DEFINITELY in that camp !You are doing more than you know and I thank you and greatly appreciate friendship.Oh,and p.s.-just be glad YOU don't have a 'twin' out there doing God knows what!!

Unknown said...

..."our friendship"...(stupid computer) !

Beth Up North said...

Hello my friend,
Honesty my hurt, but it is good to get it out there. If I could I'd send you on a fabulous vacation. As it is I will send you warm thoughts and big hugs. Spring is truly just around the corner, and you are a marvelous person, even when squished under a heavy load.
Lot of love,
Your old friend Beth