Sunday, July 30, 2006

Sunday morning

After seeing Ed's terrific website and all of his blog entries, I thought I'd try my hand at it. Great way to put my thoughts on paper and record all the cool things about the family. Here we go!
As I approach my 38th birthday (the dark side of 30) as well as my 20 year high school reunion, I have begun to look back. There is little in my life I regret, but I do wish I had kept up with the music that was once so much a part of my life, and I've found myself with a renewed interest in it. Perhaps the catalyst was my son's wish to begin violin lessons, but I have been reminded of how important music once was to me, and had I not allowed myself to be derailed I would likely be a professional flute player in a symphony somewhere today. However, life happened and years passed, and I found myself with the profound desire to try again, so I've picked up the Gemeinhardt and begun to practice daily in hopes I can regain some of what I've lost. I've scheduled an audition date for the local symphony but I am terrified of rejection. What once came so easily to me is now a struggle, and I desperately wish I had never given up what I loved to do. I used to spend three hours a day practicing, losing myself in classical music, and I was the best of the best, principal flutist here for several years. I am mediocre at best now, but I believe with perseverance I will once again have the sound I was once capable of. Wish me luck.

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