Friday, January 11, 2008

The Blunders of Technology

I often pontificate about the wonders of technology on this blog. I love the fact that thanks to improvements in internet and audio programs I am now able to stay home to work, something I've been doing for quite a few years now. I work for Mediabase, my full time job, at home, and do my nighttime jock gig on WBCV - 107.9 Wausau - - from home. In fact, I haven't even set foot in the studio in well over a year......maybe 2, actually. The music director sends me the music logs for each day and I know where I'm expected to talk (eight times an hour) - so I record those dry and email them to the station, where they are inserted into the studio's computer program to run the show with no one in the building. It's a system that usually works seamlessly, even if there's a live remote, because I can just throw it to the jock as I would if I were in the studio and no one knows the difference. People are always surprised to learn it isn't live, and I'm sitting at my little desk in my office with a mic and a mixing board connected to my Mac. I even recorded a week's worth when I went to Mexico and just went - with no one listening the wiser. Even severe weather is automated down to a science. It's great! That is - until something goes wrong.
Last night, someone forgot to load my tracks into the system. So, instead of NO tracks playing, the system pulled the tracks it had - namely, last week's tracks. So for three hours until someone at the station finally figured it out and made the switch, I was intro-ing and outro-ing all the wrong songs, and talking about things that had already taken place. How horrid. I just have to sit back and laugh - because what else can you do? And I'm guessing they'll be extra careful on their end in the future!

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