Monday, October 29, 2007


It was a crazy week and I'm glad it's over - but Thriller was a big success for Devon and he had a blast playing Igor in his younger years in this year's annual Halloween offering from Wausau Dance theatre. I'm hoping to get photos from Annaluna of the boys in costume but here they are in full makeup, inbetween shows. It looks like Devon is wearing a wig, but he isn't that is actually his real hair! Annaluna's son Jack played the part of young Dracula. They both did a great job and had a ball doing it. I produced this year's soundtrack, as I've done for the past few years, and as always it was hectic till the end - still editing at 10AM the day of the performance, just three hours perior to the start of the first show. Crikey!
We love Halloween around here and can't wait until Wednesday when trick or treating will commence. I always make a big pot of barbecue and a pumpkin pie and we really deck the house out for the day. I had to buy a new fogger machine this year since our old one blew a gasket or some such thing but this one is bigger and better and should produce an even spookier effect. I'll be sure to post photos after we get all the stuff up.
Every year, my dad loved Halloween, too - he loved to see the children in their costumes and counted kids every year. One year he had over 150 kids, but the average is closer to 100. He'd prepare ahead of time by getting just the right amount of candy and placing it in groups on TV trays by the door - three pieces per trick-or-treater. If he ran out he'd resort to grabbing nickels from his change cup to toss in their bags, but usually he was pretty close! It won't be the same without him this year. I hope he's watching from where he is.

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