Thursday, August 16, 2007


What a week it's been! Yesterday, I "OFFICIALLY" joined the health club after my trial membership came to a close. I have gone to the club every day this week so far except for Sunday, although Sunday I spent biking outside to get my daily exercise requirement. I have found that I enjoy using the machines much more than I thought I would, and love the burn and the eurphoric feeling after I'm finished. I continue to monitor my nutrition on FitDay and have been able to better meet my nutritional needs by making small changes every day. The book, "Skinny B$tch", will arrive either tomorrow or Monday, and I'm looking forward to seeing whether that changes my outlook on the vegan issue.
Mom and I are having a rummage sale this weekend - something LONG overdue. In the beginning, I thought - well.....I might have a "few" things to sell......and ended up with a whole frigging garage full of crap. Skis. Snowboards. Furniture. You name it, I've got it. If it all sells, I'll make a haul. It's been a lot of work - dragging it all up from the basement and over to my mom's house (her garage is bigger - and cleaner!) but it'll be worth it. The cleaning frenzy continued and I've completely reworked my office as well. The company sent me a huge new monitor, so it was time to take down the old and set up the new, untangle cords, vacuum up the dust bunnies (oh my God, they were the size of my head!) and have a fresh feeling for my workspace. No more glare from the window behind me - and a better view while I'm plugging away!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is that your Mac that looks that fifthy in the photo? Shame on you! Clean it!