Friday, January 02, 2009

Happy New Year

This year, I broke away from tradition and celebrated New Year's Eve with Darren at the Jefferson downtown.  We bought tickets to the Swing Shift fundraiser for Community Theater where John Greiner (not - as the sign said - JIM Greiner!) and his Big Band played - Dana sang and did a beautiful job as always.  It was elegant and wonderful and I'm still sore from dancing.  We stayed at the hotel for the night so we wouldn't have to drive or worry about cabs, and it was a great time!  The kids all had overnight parties to attend, so the whole family did something new and different this year - and it worked out well!  New Year's Day we stayed at the hotel until about noon - then watched football by the fireplace until it was time to return to reality.  
I know that 2009 will bring many changes and some will be difficult to get through.  But I'm so blessed with friends, family, and love, that I am truly optimistic about the future and what it holds.
As for resolutions?  The big one for me is not to worry incessantly about those things I have no control over.  I intend to enjoy my life, and live one day at a time.

1 comment:

Beth Up North said...

Rock on, Mama!