Saturday, January 13, 2007

Grim New Year

It's been weeks since I've posted, but things have been crazy. After three weeks in the hospital, my father has deteriorated rapidly and two days ago was admitted into the hospice program for end of life care. His wish was to come home, so we arranged to have him brought home where we are caring for him as best we can. He is on morphine and is sleeping all the time. He seems relieved to be home, and I am thankful to my sister Wendy for staying and helping with his care.
It has been a difficult thing to accept. My brother still thinks he's going to walk out of here in a few weeks. The reality, of course, is much different. We think we will have days, perhaps weeks, and we're unsure whether he will be any more alert once his pain is managed. Taking it day by day. The kids are doing their best to accept it as well, and are very helpful with his care. Devon has slept at his house the last two nights, too.
With it all, we're trying to keep some normalcy of life. Symphony rehearsal resumes for me on Monday, and I've officially had two cello lessons, which I'm enjoying immensely. Small breaks from the grim reality at home.
You never really know what you're made of until you face these types of challenges and find whether you're able to rise to them.....or not.

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