Thursday, February 22, 2007


Getting back into the swing of posting (really, I promise) and to start things off I have to say how much I am enjoying learning to play the cello. I love how it sounds. So far I have gotten nearly through book one with the help of my teacher, Ally, but have realized that the student cello I've been playing on is not going to be a keeper. The neck is too thick and it's just not the quality I'm going to want if I will ever be good enough to play in the WSB's orchestra.
After much research, I stumbled upon Andy Fein's handmade instruments available through his store in Minneapolis, created in the Stradivarius style. After reading about his instruments, I was intrigued enough to look further, and I was able to email back and forth with Mr. Fein himself to come up with what we believe will be the perfect instrument for me.
An excerpt from the website:
"Stradivarius structured his cello making workshop so that six to ten of his apprentices and master artisans worked precisely to his cello forms. Stradivarius then did all the final work and ensured the highest quality in every cello. We use the same system today in all our hand crafted cellos from the cello making workshops of Rigidio Riva in Sardinia, Italy, D. Albert in Markneukirchen, Germany, and Francois Costa in Corsica, France.
Every hand made cello that we offer has been meticulously cut from aged high altitude Spruce for the cello’s top and rare, high altitude Maple for the cello’s back, sides, and neck. The cello’s fingerboard is cut from premium quality black ebony. We make sure the cello’s pegs, end pin, and tailpiece match the beauty of the cello with fine quality fittings."
I have ordered a 7/8 size cello, and it should arrive next week. According to the site.....
Wonderful Artisan Made French Cello. Handmade in the F. Costa workshop in Corsica, France. Hand finished by Andy Fein. Air dried, select quality tone wood. Nicely flamed Maple on the back, sides and neck. Deep, rich tone with good timbre and dynamic range.
Mr. Fein is so confident in his instruments that he is giving a 10 day approval period, and if I'm not satisfied I can return it for a full refund. Check out the photos - it's a gorgeous instrument and I can't wait to play it!

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